

Repair Your Relationship After Infidelity

Can Relationship Counseling Help?

Has infidelity shattered your relationship?

Do you feel lost, hurt, and unsure of what to do next?

You're not alone. Infidelity is a painful experience that can leave both partners feeling devastated and hopeless. However, there is hope. Relationship counseling can help you navigate this difficult time and rebuild your love.

What is Relationship Counseling?

Relationship counseling, also called couples therapy, provides a safe and supportive space for you and your partner to explore the issues that led to the infidelity. It's a chance to:

  • Express your feelings in a healthy environment.
  • Understand each other's perspectives on the situation.
  • Develop healthy communication skills to avoid future conflicts.
  • Learn forgiveness and build trust again.
  • Make informed decisions about the future of your relationship.

Ready to take the first step towards healing and repairing your relationship?

Contact Center for Sexual Relational Health today for a free consultation to discuss how we can help.

Finding Hope and Healing

While healing from infidelity takes time and effort, relationship counseling can be a powerful tool in your journey. With the right guidance and support, you and your partner can rebuild a strong and loving relationship.

How Can It Help After Infidelity?

Relationship counseling after infidelity can be incredibly beneficial. It can help you:

  • Process the pain and anger you're feeling.
  • Identify underlying issues that contributed to the infidelity.
  • Rebuild trust and intimacy in your relationship.
  • Strengthen your communication and conflict resolution skills.
  • Decide whether to stay together or separate.
a man in a green shirt sits next to a woman in a plaid shirt after an argument.

FAQs about repairing relationships after infidelity

Remember, you're not alone. Infidelity is a painful experience, but it doesn't have to define your relationship. Relationship counseling can be a powerful tool for healing, growth, and a stronger connection.

  • What is relationship counseling?

    Relationship counseling, also known as couples therapy, is a safe and confidential space for you and your partner to work through challenges with a trained therapist. In the context of infidelity, it can help you understand what happened, express your emotions, rebuild trust, communicate effectively, and strengthen your bond.

  • Can relationship counseling help after infidelity?

    Absolutely! While infidelity can feel like a devastating blow, many couples find healing and hope through relationship counseling. It equips you with tools to manage your emotions, communicate openly, and rebuild trust.

  • How long does relationship counseling last?

    The duration of therapy varies depending on your situation and desired outcomes. However, most couples see significant progress within 6-12 months.

  • Do both partners need to be involved?

    While individual therapy can be beneficial, couples therapy is essential for addressing infidelity. It allows you and your partner to work together towards healing and rebuilding your relationship.

  • What if my partner is hesitant about therapy?

    Understand their concerns and express your desire for support. Share the potential benefits of therapy and offer to explore it together. You can even schedule a free consultation for both of you to meet the therapist and ask questions.

Take the First Step

Contact Center for Sexual Relational Health today to schedule a free consultation.

Together, we can explore how relationship counseling can help you heal and rebuild your love.

Don't give up on your relationship. There is hope for healing and a brighter future.

two people holding hands with one wearing a bracelet after a relationship counseling session at the Center for Sexual Relational Health.

How Relationship Counseling Works

Step 1: Assess Each Partner's Needs

In the Couples Therapy setting, couples learn how to communicate feelings and needs without using attacking and alienating words, and they learn how to disentangle from each other, after “buttons” have been pushed. 

The first step towards repair is to understand first understand each individual and their destructive cycles.

a glass table in a Center for Sexual Relational Health office with a notebook and pen on it

Step 2: Assess the Needs of Your Relationship

Rather than doing the same dance over and over, with an understanding of each individual, we will then assess the couple dynamic in order to understand the destructive cycles. 

With an in-depth understanding, we will put together a plan to repair your relationships through neutralizing the negative and hurt feelings in an efficient and lasting manner.

A woman is sitting on a couch while a Center for Sexual Relational Health therapist writes on a clipboard.

Step 3: Identify the Right Therapist for You

Your therapy success is determined, in large part, to the specialization and personality fit of your therapist.

The next step is to match you with the right therapist having the right specialization and personality to support you in your recovery journey.

a woman holds man's hand while attending a Center for Sexual Relational Health relationship counseling session

Step 4: Pause, Reflect, and Continually Measure Improvement

With each couple, our goal is that you find empathy, connection, safety and continual growth on your journey of reconnection.

If you find that your therapist isn't a fit, or that you're not progressing, let us know and we will pause, reflect and suggest improvements and/or a new therapist.

a man and a woman are hugging and looking at each other after successfully repairing their relationship